04/04/2024 Rifle CrossFit Newsletter

04/04/2024 Rifle CrossFit Newsletter

News & Notes 📰

Goal Setting Sessions & InBody Scans in April 📢

In case you didn’t already know - we care about your goals!

We care so much that we have integrated goal setting sessions as a part of your membership so we can help keep you on track and hold you accountable for meeting them. This is also where we’ll help you get your InBody scan and will review it with you so you understand the data.

You may be saying “I don’t have any goals- I don’t need this.” Well I hate to say it but YOU DO NEED IT. Either way, you joined Rifle CrossFit to meet a goal and it’s possible you lost sight of it because it was overshadowed by life. Plus, you need to get your Q2 InBody scan done so we can see if you’re making progress in the right direction.

Please take this opportunity to meet with a coach to discuss your progress and upcoming goals. We want to hear about what you are proud of, what you want to do next, and how you will get there.

*Scans are available before your class times, we only need to stay consistent and repeat the scan at the same time. 

Let’s get these InBody scans booked to see the progress you’re making! 💪🏼

CrossFit Summit 

We are excited to share that Coach Caroline and Coach Brandon recently had the opportunity to attend the CrossFit Summit in Denver. By attending this summit, Coach Caroline and Coach Brandon gained valuable insights and knowledge that will directly benefit our community. They are dedicated to implementing these learnings to enhance our operations, ensuring that we continue to deliver the highest quality coaching and services to each and every one of you.

We believe that investing in our coaches' professional development is crucial in order to provide you with the best possible fitness experience. Coach Caroline and Coach Brandon's commitment to learning and growth is a testament to their dedication to our community.

Thank you for being a part of the Rifle CrossFit community. We are excited about the future and look forward to continuing to support your fitness journey.


Upcoming Events:

📅 Kids Class with Katy Mercer:

   - Date: tomorrow April 8th 4-4:45pm $10 a child ages 6-10 years old 

Join us tomorrow and let your kids experience the joy of playing hard, learning new skills, and becoming stronger versions of themselves. We can't wait to see them shine! 💪🌈

📅 Gymnastics, Tumbling, and Mobility Clinic with Katy Mercer:

   - Date: Saturday, April 13th Sign Up to secure your spot, $15/person 10:30-12:30

  Katy Mercer, a renowned expert in gymnastics and mobility, will be joining us for a clinic. This is an excellent opportunity to improve your skills, learn new techniques, and enhance your overall performance.

📅 Member Appreciation Week:

   - Dates: May 20th-24th

 We're dedicating this entire week to celebrate YOU, our amazing members, and our 1-year anniversary. 

📅 Murph workout on May 27th 9am 

📆 Strongman Workshop June 22nd  Join us at our upcoming Strongman Workshop where you can learn the proper techniques to lift heavy objects and put them into practice. This workshop is designed to help you develop strength, power, and overall fitness. Get ready to unleash your inner strongman! Stay tuned for more information coming soon.

Birthdays this Week 🥳

🎈 Dana Mondiekis - Apr 8, 2024
🎈 Jackie Collins - Apr 8, 2024
🎈 Max Peters - Apr 11, 2024

Nutrition & Wellness 🥑🧘🏽‍♀️🛌

Improve your gut, your mood, and your health

Does your stomach feel out of sorts after a meal?

The problem is that most of us overlook the obvious when trying to figure out how to feel better, especially when it comes to our 🤢 gut.

Have you thought about your food quality being the culprit?

We live in such a fast paced society that we just want a quick fix. Who has time to stop and think about what we could be doing more of to improve the way we feel—am I right?

Think of it like this: If we don’t make time for health we will be forced to make time for illness.

With some easy swaps, we can help improve your gut health by avoiding the foods worse for gut health and incorporating more of the ones that are best for it.

Check out the list below to see if you have room for improvement with food choices that will make your gut go from 🤢 to 🤩.

🛑 Worst foods for your gut:

  • Refined sugar
  • Processed meats
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Alcohol
  • Fried food
  • Refined carbs

🟢 Best foods for your gut:

  • Fruits and veggies
  • Lean meats
  • Fermented foods
  • Whole grains
  • Plain yogurt
  • Nuts and seeds

If you find yourself consuming a ton of added sugar, going through the drive-thru constantly, or enjoying that adult beverage on a regular basis it might be helpful to try to limit or swap those things out.

Our approach to nutrition and on improving gut health is to focus on ADDING more into your diet. Some foods that are best for your gut include fruits and veggies, whole grains, and lean meats.

One of my all-time favorite snacks is zero-sugar yogurt, fresh berries, and a few almond slivers. It’s great for the gut, is balanced, and tastes 💯. Try it for your snack this week and let me know what you think.

Tell Me About CrossFit 📚👩🏻‍🏫

CrossFit is constantly varied, functional movement executed at high intensity.

CrossFit’s Four Fitness Models: 10 General Physical Skills

CrossFit has four fitness models. This week we want to introduce you to the first one: The 10 General Physical Skills. When you do CrossFit, the goal is to get you to improve in all areas so that you become a well-rounded athlete. Half of the skills are organic and the other half are neurological. But all of them are important if you want to maintain your independence as long as possible. Watch the video below for an explanation of the difference between the organic and neurological skills. Which skills do you need to improve on?

From CrossFit’s Level 1 Training Guide:
“CrossFit makes use of four different models for evaluating and guiding fitness. Collectively, these four models provide the basis for CrossFit’s definition of fitness.

There are 10 recognized general physical skills. They are cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy. (See Figure 2. Ten General Physical Skills for definitions.) You are as fit as you are competent in each of these 10 skills. A regimen develops fitness to the extent that it improves each of these 10 skills.

Importantly, improvements in endurance, stamina, strength, and flexibility come about through training. Training refers to activity that improves performance through a measurable organic change in the body. By contrast improvements in coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy come about through practice. Practice refers to activity that improves performance through changes in the nervous system. Power and speed are adaptations of both training and practice.” — Page 18

Figure 2. Ten General Physical Skills.

If your goal is optimum physical competence, then all the general physical skills must be considered:

  • Cardiovascular/respiratory endurance—The ability of body systems to gather, process, and deliver oxygen.
  • Stamina—The ability of body systems to process, deliver, store, and utilize energy.
  • Strength—The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply force.
  • Flexibility—The ability to maximize the range of motion at a given joint.
  • Power—The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply maximum force in minimum time.
  • Speed—The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement.
  • Coordination—The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement.
  • Agility—The ability to minimize transition time from one movement pattern to another.
  • Balance—The ability to control the placement of the body’s center of gravity in relation to its support base.
  • Accuracy—The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity.

(Thanks to Jim Cawley and Bruce Evans of Dynamax)


Programming Summary 🏋🏽‍♂️

This week's workout starts with a challenging combination of a 1-mile run and a 5-rep-max bench press to test your endurance and strength. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to try a new movement, the wall walk + burpee, for Saturday's partner workout. Looking ahead to next week, the Individual Quarterfinal workouts will be incorporated into the programming, providing exciting challenges for you. Stay tuned for more intense and rewarding workouts to come.


- A challenging workout that starts with a 1,600-meter run (1-mile), testing your endurance.

- Followed by a strength-building exercise of finding your 5-rep-max bench press.

Goals: Hard 1-mile run effort followed by a heavy 5-rep bench press, Around 5 sets to build to a heavy 5-rep bench press, 2:00 rest between bench press sets.


- 3 rounds for time. It includes 50 sit-ups and 30 deadlifts, targeting your core and lower body. Skill work: GHD hip extension and back extensions. 

Goals: 10:00 or less. Sit-ups in 2:15 or less. Deadlifts in 1:15 or less. Both movements in sets of 15 or more. Light and easy deadlift load.


- An interval workout with 5 rounds of 2:30 each with 2:30 of rest after each round. It includes overhead squats and lateral hops over a bar. The remaining time is dedicated to max-calories on any machine.

Skill Work: Practice 5-7 sets of a power snatch + overhead squat single from the floor.

Goals: Score is total calories across all rounds. Light overhead squats in unbroken sets. Lateral hops completed in 1:00 or less. Start on calories with 1:00 or more left on the clock.


- AMRAP 10 (as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes). Walking lunges, strict pull-ups, and KB strict presses (26/35 lb), challenging your lower body and upper body strength. Skill work: Build to a heavy weighted strict pull-up or your first strict pull-up

Goals: 5-8 rounds. Strict pull-ups in 1-2 sets. Light kettlebell load for unbroken sets. Challenging strict pull-up variation that takes no more than 1:00 per round.


- A fast-paced workout with 3 rounds for time. Power cleans (105/155 lb), a 400-meter run, and a plank hold equal to the run time.

- The plank hold should be done without a break, adding a core-strengthening element to the workout.

Goals: 16:00-20:00. Power clean load that allows for 5-7 reps without rest. Complete the 400-meter run in less than 2:00. Complete the plank in under 3:00. Perform a plank from hands and toes or elbows and toes.


- A partner workout lasting 25 minutes with AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) format.

- It includes wall-ball shots (9/10 ft)(14/20 lb), bar muscle-ups, and a combination of wall walks and burpees.

Goals: 8+ rounds. Break wall-ball shots and bar muscle-ups into small, fast sets. Alternate single reps on the wall walk + burpees.

No single workout can develop all aspects of fitness and training different time domains helps develop different metabolic pathways. That’s why CrossFit workouts vary daily. Effectively harnessing elements of variance is key to developing a broad fitness. Keep showing up so you can be the best and fittest version of yourself! 😎

Wishing you a week filled with strength, progress, and joy! May you achieve your goals, embrace new opportunities, and continue to shine in your fitness journey. Stay motivated and keep pushing forward. Have a fantastic week ahead!

Coach Caroline 

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